
Hematology department

Hematology Department provides ancillary testing on 24/7 basis, it provides a wide range of laboratory tests to produce and interpret results assisting clinicians in their diagnosis and treatment of disease to support hospital departments and walk in clients.

Our Hematology department provides an extensive range of routine and specialized hematological investigations, including:

  • Complete Blood Counts (CBC)
  • Body Fluid Analysis
  • Routine and Special Coagulation Profiles
  • Platelet Function Assay
  • Thrombophilia Screening
  • Bone Marrow Biopsy Reporting
  • Hemoglobin Electrophoresis
  • Protein Electrophoresis and Immunofixation
  • Flow Cytometry
  • HLA Cross Match/Flow DSA For Organ and Tissue Transplants.



Hematology department Equipments
Our Team
Our Diagnostics Team
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